Friday, December 21, 2007

Carols at City Park

Last Sunday night we went to Carols by Candlelight at the City Park. These photos are care of Lisa as my battery went flat on arrival, right on cue. Lisa thoughtfully emailed these when she got home at 11pm on Sunday (what a good friend) and I have been so slack and not done a posting for it until now. (sorry Lisa)

It was a great night and Collette and Scott Prebblecracked me up doing some wonderful harmonising together. I think they were still on a high from their play performance, 'The First Christmas' the day before.

Oliver got a bit ratty as the night wore on, running off doing rolly pollys down the hill and rolling into people. Luckily he wore his Santa hat as it was getting hard to spot him with darkness setting in.


The Kings said...

Yay!! Good to see you have finally blogged about the carols! :)

Simone Triffitt said...

Slowly getting there. A record posting tonight I reckon. I am so behind

savad ckp said...

hey nice pics.. children are so cute...