Thursday, August 30, 2007

Lilly's sleepover

Hallie has been pestering me ever since her and Lilly went to Oma's if Lilly could come to our house for a sleepover. So yesterday we picked Lilly up after lunch and brought her back out to Westbury for what I hoped would be an enjoyable stay for her. When we got home Oliver was asleep in the car so it gave the girls a good opportunity to have a play without Oliver trying to interrupt. For the rest of the afternoon they played dress-ups and then we went to get Sarra from school.

At Sarra's school I let the kids have a play which was uneventful until Hallie fell off the play equipment on her arm. She cried for a bit but today she is still not able to use her arm much. We'll see what the doctor says but she can still squeeze my finger a bit and lit her arm up near her head, albeit very gingerly.

After tea and baths, I read a story and then Sarra read her homereader to Lilly and Oliver. Hallie slept with me so I could keep an eye on her. Beacause Hallie's body doesn't make the hormone cortisol, which protects us from the generalised effects of illness and injury, I had to keep an eye on her so her body did not go into shock.

I have this list of things I need to do when her body goes into shock and I know what the symptoms are I need to be on the lookout for. Hallie's condition is called congenital adrenal hyperplasia or CAH. Ooh aren't I clever - I have created a link (are you impressed Lisa - I am always ringing Lisa to ask her questions about how to do things on the blog) if you want to find out more about it. There are two types of CAH, salt-losers and non-salt losers. Hallie is a salt loser.I will explain more about this and how it affects Hallie's daily routine in another post.

So that left Lilly in Hallie's bed and Sarra in the top bunk in her bed. Lilly and Sarra chatted until about 8.00pm and then all was blissful quiet.

1 comment:

The Kings said...

Poor Hallie. Hope her arm is okay.