Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pre-mission partying.

After Hallie and I got back from Melbourne there was only one more week before Mum was leaving for her volunteer mission in America. She spent that time having lots of lunch dates with old teacher friends from all the schools she had taught at over the years, along with other close friends.

 She also got to spend some time with one of her oldest and dearest friend's, Marilyn who had flown down from Qld to surprise her and see her off on her mission. Marilyn came for a few weeks and came out to stay at our place for a night and 2 days and catch up with us all.

We also went with Mum to catch up with some of her sisters, Aunty Zoe and cousin Jean in Ulverstone (forgot to grab a pic) and then on another day, Aunty Pam in Devonport.

(Uncle Frank, Aunty Pam and my cousin Natalie)

On Mum's last Sunday (27th April), we went to her ward in Launceston and attended church with her. They were having a soup Sunday get together afterward and someone had organised a lovely cake for her.

There were lots of goodbyes and hugs.

We fitted quite a lot in the last week of Mum's stay. In between goodbye catch-ups and see you in 18-24 months luncheons, Flynn and I got to go with Mum to the Chudleigh honey farm, where she got some nice body and hand creams to take away.

On Mum's last Saturday (the 26th April), she took us to the Raspberry Farm where we were treated to the most amazing food.

This is Sarra's favourite place ever as raspberries are her favourite food in the whole world!!
Just check out those waffles.

It was a lovely treat and so nice to have a goodbye lunch all of our own with Mum.

1 comment:

The Kings said...

Will miss your Mum! That photo of me is gross!