Can you believe, Nan and Pop Triffitt's first grandchild has just turned 40. I am starting to feel old as the 21st birthday parties slip by and my peers are turning 30 and 40. AAHH!!
To celebrate Dion's birthday which was on Jan 23rd, Kay had organised a surprise party at the waterslide near the beach down at Ulverstone. It was very windy so we had a barbecue tea first at Oma and Pop's house.
The kids each had a go with the pinata
world war III scramble for the lollies

Kay had made an amazing 4 layered chocolate cake which if you know Kay, you mouth would be watering by now.

After tea we pretended to just go to the park for a play but seeing everyone's bathers and towels in the car, I think Dion suspected something. As another surprise Oma and Pop had hired out the waterslide for an hr from 6-7pm. The kids loved it and the big ones too. Jason worked out that if you go down without a rash vest you can go even faster.

After awhile the wind settled down and even though it was a little cold up the top of the slide, everyone had great fun. I did not go down as it was too windy for me and it needed to be about 10 degrees hotter. I like weather where you don't even need a towel after getting out of the water. So obviously I don't go swimming much in Tassie. Anyway someone had to be official photographer and towel holder. I greatly admired Tammy though who got in there and went down the slide as much as the kids.

Sarra stood up the top of the waterslide for 50 mins before getting up the guts to come down with Simon. She screamed the whole way down and made him go so slow that he had to push at the end just to come off the end of the slide. After that of course she wanted to keep coming down, always slowly and cautiously though.
Hallie came down by herself and tried new tricks each time to get herself going faster. "True Hallie" style. Josh would bring Oliver down and he laughed with glee each time.

Even Savannah who is 1 next month had a turn and loved it.

At one stage after Sarra came down for the first time, we all clapped and congratulated her and we forgot that Hallie was coming down a mile a minute after her. Simon wasn't standing there ready to catch her and she plummeted into the water and struggled to come up to the surface. it was a horrid 10 secs as Simon and the lifeguard rushed to get her out but she bravely held her mouth shut and worked to try and get her head above the water. She was a little shaken but went down the slide a few more times after that.
I think your up next Felis (Felicity Polley) in the way of Triffitt grandkid 40th celebrations so 'bring em on' I say.
NB editor's note. Waterslide photos are care of Poppy's camera as my battery went flat. Thanks Pop!
Wow, I can't believe dion is 40. Looks like you all had an awesome time!! Please say Hi to Kay & Dion from us next time you see them.
Were all starting to get older. Looks like a fun day all round.
This whole post is very funny. That cake looks DELICIOUS! Dion leads the way into official middle-age for the next generation!
Poor Hallie! Glad she was okay.
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