Friday, March 24, 2017

Spain!! {missionaryMum.1}

On Monday, Mum finally left for her mission to the SPAIN, BARCELONA MISSION. (Records Preservation, Valencia). We arrived home from the USA last year at the end of July, after picking Mum up from her mission in Salt Lake City and spending 5 weeks touring around. Since then it has taken 8 months for Mum's visa to be sorted out after applying for it in August. But that's all behind her now as she embarks on her new adventure.

Before Mum left, we went out for lunch at the Tasmanian Food and Wine Conservatory. It was a beautiful sunny day and we enjoyed some yummy local Tasmanian produce.

Collette had already said goodbye to Mum when Mum visited her back in February in Adelaide.

Then the night before Mum left, President Walters set her apart as a missionary for the next 18 months and gave her a special blessing. She will be spending 18 months, digitising government records. Many of the records are kept in  Catholic monasteries so the "office" will be pretty amazing with a history we can only dream of.

The boys didn't want to feel left out so brought their "babies".

We worked out that at 8 weeks old, Emerson will be 20 months when she returns home.

I gave Mum a hug and left as her plane was delayed an hour, but halfway through the airport, the tears flowed harder and I ran back for a second hug. We both cried a bit harder. As much as I would love to go to Spain and visit her, with an extra growing family, it just doesn't seem possible this time round but you never know!!

Jonty getting an extra big hug as last time, he thought Nan would be back in 2 weeks instead of 2 years and so didn't give her a hug. He knew better this time and gave her a great big one.

Eve will be 2 1/2 when Mum gets back.

We can't wait to hear about the many adventures Mum will have over in Spain.

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