Today for our annual Australia Day BBQ at Dad's, Dad had invited all our relatives from Nanna and Pop's side of the family. These included Nanna's brother's kids and Pop's cousin and all these people we had never met but we were related to.
Osma and her daughter Adele - Osma and my Pop were cousins

At first it was a bit confusing but then we worked it all out. Some had brought all their research they had done on the family history and along with all the work that Dad and Lisa had done, they were able to piece together a few more people and fill some holes.
Janice and Peter with their daughters' Sharon, Louise and Michelle - Peter's Dad Max was my Pop's brother.

It was so fascinating to sit and talk with people about my grandparents (they died when I was young) and understand a bit more about what they were like. I loved my grandparents and often try and take myself back to their kitchen and try and remember everything about them.
Patsy is my Dad's cousin -her Mum (Enid) is Pop's sister

Like the other day, Simon picked some fresh peas out of the garden and as I broke the pod and smelt it and ate one, it took me straight back to Pop's veggie patch where I would sit for hours and eat the peas. (and then sit on the loo for hrs) Our peas didn't taste as good as Pop's and for a moment I wished he was here to teach me how to grow the bestest sweetest peas.
Dad's sister, my Aunty Maureen

Dad has researched my Nanna (Jones) and my Pop (Lanham) right back to when they came out to Australia as convicts. yes no royalty here. On my Pop's side was Andrew Gooding (stole 200 pounds of lead) and he married Lydia Munroe (stole patterned cotton). On my Nanna's side, John (he stole a sheep) and Lydia Targett. The story there is that John was sentenced to 14 yrs over here and so Lydia waited 10yrs back in England and then brought herself and the kids out. What kind of crazy loyalty and love is that!
Paul and Chris Jones - their Dad (Ray) was my Nanna's brother

It was a wonderful day looking over the information everyone had gathered, looking at old photos and wondering what their lives were like behind the faces captured forever in time for us to pour over 100 or so yrs later.
Lisa and Osma pouring over some family research

Today it didn't matter that we had all never met before or that we were from all walks of life, we had our family history in common and from there a bond was forged, links in the chain connected, never to be broken.
And poor old Dad was once again roped into giving rides on the back of the ATV, again and again and again..... good on ya Dad.
1 comment:
That was a good post Simone with some great photos. It certainly was a fantastic day. I couldn't believe when Osma bought her daughter Adelle and I worked with Adelle at Mowbray PS last year, we are 2nd cousins and we didn't even know it!Lucky we were friendly to each other :)
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