Yesterday we headed off bright (excuse the pun) and early to help Collette move to Brighton (about 10min out of Hobart) .... sob,sob. Simon, Sarra and Hallie left at 6.30 to head into Launy to drive the truck full of furniture down and Oliver, Jonty and I headed off at 7.30 into Launy to pick up Mum and head down in our car. The Wheelers were in another car and Chad and Collette in hers.
We stopped at Campbelltown to feed Jonty and have breaky. Can you believe Campbelltown has a Subway! It was starting to get pretty windy on the Midlands but being in the Territory we didn't really notice.
We got down to Brighton about 9.30 and Simon already had practically everything off the truck except for the piano. Now the piano is this $8000 pure mahogany beauty. The 'piano man' had come the night before and helped load it on the truck with strict instructions on how to get it off without damaging it so we were all a bit nervous.

But it came off and in the house without a hitch.... phew!
All hands on deck moving the piano inside

Simon and Chris then took the kids to the aquatic centre for a swim while us girls started the unpacking. We noticed it getting windier and windier and then the power went off.
Camilla came over and while she was there her Mum rang and said that everyone was to stay indoors. Surely it wasn't that bad outside. So we heeded her warning and set off to Glenorchy to get some essentials for Collette's place (broom, garbo bin, washing up gloves ..... you get the picture). When we got to Northgate, I made sure I parked away from trees. When we opened the car doors, the wind nearly blew them off. It was a bit scary.
When we got back to Collette's place, we heard that the Midlands had been closed because of a fire up near Conara. Great, looked like we were bunking down on Collette's floor but then we heard people were being diverted around Cressy. Looked like a long drive home.

We started off home at about 5.30 with Simon, Chad and Oliver in the truck in front and Mum, Jonty me and the girls in the car. It was still very windy on the way back and I concentrated on driving in a straight line. We were actually diverted around Nile and into Evandale so the road closure made our trip an extra hour lonoger.
Jonty was screaming by the end and we were all definitely ready for bed. We got to Mum's at 8pm and all I wanted was to crawl into bed. Simon took the kids home while I first fed Jonty and then followed getting home around 9.30. Aah my bed was calling for me and I gleefully surrendered to its warmth, willing Jonty to dream for hours on end.
We hope you enjoy teaching at Oatlands Collettie and have fun living in Brighton... we will miss you but never fear will come and visit and let the kids run riot around your 'villa'.
Nice Pictures dear blogger!
Need your valuable feedback on:
That's great Collette has found somewhere already - it looks nice!! We drove home from St Helen's in that wind and it was the scariest experience!
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