Last week the kids and I went to Bridport with Mum for a few days. The weather was not great, a bit windy but we did some fun stuff anyway. The dogs are good babysitters as the kids spent many hours in the backyard, walking the dogs on their leads, pretending to be dogs in the dog house and just annoying the dogs in general.

On one morning I took the kids to the beach while Jonty stayed with Mum but the wind soon picked up and we had to come home.

From Wed to Fri from 6-10pm down at the village green, they have been running a heap of show rides like the Octopus and Gee Wizz and a few side shows.

On the last night there, I took the kids down to have a few rides. Nanny gave them $5 each for doing jobs for the week, Hallie helped wash the car and Sarra dried the dishes each day, Oliver supervised the dogs!!

They got to pick 2 rides each so Oliver picked the boats and the girls picked the 4-wheelers.

They all finished up on the jumping castle which was HUGE.

Just as we finished on the jumping castle, I heard this almighty bang. I turned to look and saw a boy on a motorbike had crashed into a car that had been coming out of the pub. Everyone ran over there to see if he was alright. He obviously wasn't and was moaning in pain - he wasn't wearing a helmet. The driver of the car was okay but was understandably quite shaken up. I saw the Honeys, Polleys and Reeves there. Steve was helping direct traffic and Rob had gone into the pub to get some ice for the boy. I had noticed earlier the boy ridng up and down the street, being a bit silly. It was all quite awful and for the kids, the reality hit home that Mum and Dad don't just warn about accidents but they actually do happen to people.
As we walked home they had heaps of questions about why the boy wasn't wearing a helmet and why they are so important, along with seat-belts and not distracting Mum while she is driving. In that respect I suppose there was a lesson to be learned and for the boy..... a hard lesson indeed!
Hi Simone. I love that photo of your son blowing bubbles - what a great shot! Is that slide really as steep as it looks???
(via Lisa's blog)
hi simone
that looked really great at bridport..mark and i will have to go there one day to visit..marks been there for work and i didn't go with him for a ride but one day i will..
that slide does look awfully steep..
anyway, must go and start stacking wood..the guy cam out at 7am this morning to drop off wood..
Looks like you had a great time!! I love the first photo...the water is so bright and blue, beautiful.
Wow about the boy on the motorbike...hope he's okay. It's a pretty sobering reminder of how fragile life is and how we need to be so careful.
wow-- that slide looks hirendously massive!! wish Kyle and I had gotten to Brid a day earlier so we could've joined u ... looks like Fantabulous fun:D
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