Thanksgiving at Mel's house (held 28th Nov) cannot be any more perfect. It is about celebrating what you are grateful for:
good company..............

a gorgeous new baby (Baydan Corona)

the most delicious food in the whole wide world :)

Mark offered Josh $100 to eat a piece of every pie that Mel had made (10 in total).
He had a good go.................
but didn't quite make it..................... good try Josh, you did great to get as far as you did.
Even Jonty had a good fill.

And it was all thanks to our wonderful cook. (who only had a baby 3 1/2wks earlier - I know!!)

At least she lets me do the drinks. ;)
good company..............
And it was all thanks to our wonderful cook. (who only had a baby 3 1/2wks earlier - I know!!)
At least she lets me do the drinks. ;)
Mel is a machine! That food looks incredible.
haha new Josh wouldn't shy away from a food challenge! that food looks AMAZING!
oh my goodness that food looks amazing! what a feast!!!
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