We always are busy at the end of each year having Christmas activities at church and this year was no different.
At the beginning of December, we held our RS Christmas activity where we decorated gingerbread houses and triangle Christmas trees out of wood.
We had made the gingerbread houses a few weeks earlier at a cooking night at Suzanne's. Kit had spent the last month showing us each of the stages of how to make a gingerbread house and had given each of us the recipe and the templates so we could choose to make it at home.
On the night we all brought heaps of lollies to share. Kit, Barb and I supplied the icing and away they went. It was interesting to see what creative ideas each sister came up with.

I was in charge of the triangle Christmas trees. Simon had painstakingly cut out 60 triangles out of wood for me and I brought along green, gold and red spray paint and white paint to flick the snow on at the end with a toothbrush. I bought from Woolworths heaps of plastic stars that we also hot glued on when the paint was dry.
I didn't anticipate the amount of fumes in the air that the spraying created. We were frantically opening windows and doors to get the fumes out. You can see the fumes in this photo.
It looked pretty good seeing all the Christmas trees sprayed and drying on the table. While they dried the sisters started on their gingerbread houses and then came back to the trees later to put the white paint on.

Everybody had a great time chatting as they worked and relaxed. Each sister had brought a plate of food to share for supper, a great reward for all their hard work.
At the end of the night we showed a DVD that we had put together. Barb had this great idea that we get the ward to tell the Christmas story and we put it together on a DVD for them. After we got back from our QLD trip, I went around to every family in the ward and got them to recite 2 lines each of the story, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'.
Simon then put it to music on a DVD and we even had bloopers at the end. It was a great laugh and nice to have every family featured on it. It took alot of organising, especially to get all members of the family at home at the same time. The kids and I drove alot of miles but it was worth it and there was a lovely feeling as we left each home. Once I work out how to put it on YouTube, I will create a link to here for it.
At the beginning of December, we held our RS Christmas activity where we decorated gingerbread houses and triangle Christmas trees out of wood.
On the night we all brought heaps of lollies to share. Kit, Barb and I supplied the icing and away they went. It was interesting to see what creative ideas each sister came up with.
Simon then put it to music on a DVD and we even had bloopers at the end. It was a great laugh and nice to have every family featured on it. It took alot of organising, especially to get all members of the family at home at the same time. The kids and I drove alot of miles but it was worth it and there was a lovely feeling as we left each home. Once I work out how to put it on YouTube, I will create a link to here for it.
On Monday the 21st of December, we went to Deloraine House to pack Christmas hampers which we do each year. This year however we invited the YW along to help as they are younger and fitter than us and it kills our backs. :)

Because we had so many great helpers, we finished in an 1 1/2 hours. We all worked together very well. We had a group packing the Deloraine boxes, a group packing the Westbury boxes, some doing the rubbish and others organising the food in the rooms to be brought out for us to pack.

The centre provides childcare for us too so its great not to have to worry about kids underfoot while we work.

Thanks Louise, Deeanne and you beautiful YW for all your help.
Lastly that week, our ward had the Meals on Wheels roster. For one week every 3mths, we go out each day for about an hour to deliver Meals on Wheels. A different couple go each day and on Thursday, the 24th, it was my turn with Alison Christie. Ali and I always go together and it is lovely to spend some time chatting away in the car as we drive to each house. There is usually only about 9 meals to deliver around Deloraine and often the kids come along to help out too.
Ali and I always joke that everytime we go together, it always rains and is blowing a gale as we run out of the car into each house. We always have a giggle as we get back in the car, because no matter the weather we always feel great doing it.
On the 19th of December, we also held our ward Christmas activity. Thanks Lisa W, I finally found someone who took photos and blogged it. I was too busy being a Pita Inn lady. :)
What a great post ...i loved seeing all the things that you did.... meals on wheels is great ..perhaps i should put that on my list for this year..i am looking for a service project for 2010.
Great catching up with you tonight too...when is the next workshop to make that bag?????
Maybe the end of Feb???? just a thought
It was great fun to help with the hampers again =) Love those trees too
Hey - this post just sort of snuck up down my blogroll. Do you start doing a post, and then not post it for a while?
oh you did the Christmas trees! Excellent! I can't believe you were game enough to do it inside the hall!
I wanted to see the video up on your blog :)
The gingerbread houses are VERY cool.
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