Showing posts with label Lisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisa. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2011

A birthday party with Mack

On Saturday we continued the tradition of celebrating Jonty's birthday with Lisa as they are only a day apart. So although Friday, was his actual birthday, Jonty didn't get his cake until Saturday but he didn't even notice. I think he thought his birthday went for two days. 

Before we headed into Launceston for the party, we had a spring clean at church. I have never seen the kids have so much fun cleaning. They helped with all the chairs and tables. Everything was done inside and out, the eaves, concrete, gardening, every nook and cranny inside - it looked great. I cleaned inside, doing windows and pews and then ended up with the lovely job of the fridge. :)

The Ziesels dog, Mo, was our supervisor.

Then to finish off we had a gourmet BBQ outside to reward ourselves for all our hard work.

 Later in the afternoon we headed in to the Wheelers for 'the party'. Jonty kept saying all day, 'we go to Emyee's house. (Emily) He always gets Emily to play with him and loves following her around. Emily was also good, giving Flynn a bath and getting him dressed.

We had homemade pizzas for tea and hotdogs and chips with fizz - the usual at a party which all kids seem to love. Mum made lemon slice and Emily made truffles.

The kids also had a great time outside on the motorbikes. It's great that Lisa and Chris have heaps of space for the kids to have a ride. Hallie our motorbike expert was trying to teach Rohan how to ride.

And help him put the helmet on...

Then it was time for the cake. Jonty had tossed up between a helicopter and a garbage truck and then decided on Mack, particularly as he is into Cars 2, the movie. Simon said he would take care of the cake which made it completely stress-free for me in the end. And I think it turned out really good.

Flynn as usual was pulling his funny faces.

But then was completely mesmerised by the candles, instead of looking at the camera.

Other presents that Jonty got was some clothes from Nanny, a tongue spoon from Jessica which Jonty carries around with him everywhere. I had to take a photo so you could see the handle looks like a really long tongue. (and Jess wanted me to take a photo ;) )

And a toy drill from Oma and Pop for when Jonty helps build our own home in the near future.