This morning Simon took Hallie to her school swimming lessons and I left Oliver watching cartoons and Jonty sitting in his rocker. It was the perfect time to clean the bathroom and I raced through it before Jonty got fussy. After about an hour, I wondered why it was so quiet and this is what I found in the loungeroom..... Oliver no doubt tuckered out from our Thanksgiving dinner at the Corona's last night. (post to come) I don't know at what stage he decided to take his clothes off!!
haha Oliver hasn't changed at all...i'd be looking into sleep apnea if i were you:)
Oh Simone
Oliver looks soooo cute lying on the lounge..maybe all that sugar fix wore out and now he's exhausted..I know they played and played and had alot of fun..Did you know that Simon helped Dean eat his dessert? The sneak..
oh my goodness!!! He just loves taking his clothes off hey!? Jonty looks so different already!! I miss you at the gym. Will come out for a visit soon.
hahaha, that's a crack up photo of Oliver. And as for Jonty, isn't he just so gorgeous! Hope all is going well.
What a pic of Oliver!! Jonty is gorgeous. Well done Simone.
Jonty is so cute! And Oliver! What a crack up, i bet you get some good laughs out of him.
I didn't know that Oliver loved to take off his clothes for nap time! He looks so relaxed and comfortable. You'll have to keep that one to show at his wedding. It's a classic.
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