February was the last month of Mum's first winter in SLC. She celebrated the beginning of the month by going to Farr's for FHE and then on to the North Visitor's Centre to watch a movie on the family.

"Hi Everyone, Well I think we have missed winter. All this week has been lovely and the last three days have been 18 degrees. Very balmy!
This week has been another busy one and on top of the phones and chats we are full on into meetings about the merger and new teams etc. this is the last week of phones and chats for us though, was good to think on Friday as I was trying to put a schedule together it would be the last time. Had our last Historical Records team meeting on Monday.
Monday night FHE we played a card game, I didn't have a clue what it was all about but ended up winning!!!!! and no Collette I didn't cheat!
Wednesday because of a meeting in the afternoon I had T and R in the morning, lucky because at lunch time they closed the washing machines for the rest of the day.
I will be glad when the Temple reopens, 17 th I think. mostly this week I just went to work and then fell into bed???exhausted. I applied for three days out of mission for when Phil and Marilyn come so will see what happens? They want to go to do the Canyons etc down South.
Sister Coleman went home sick on Friday and is still not too good, I took her some soup tonight. She finishes next Friday and then leaves the mission on the 27th. So I guess there will be some celebrations coming up!
Saturday I went to line dancing and the shopping for Tuesdays zone luncheon, I am making bolognaise for 15 people. We have 60 all up but four people make it. Others bring the pasta etc.
The mince...they call it ground beef was expensive $12 for 2 lb which is only a kilo. I got the cheaper one too. They have never heard of beef sausages here, all pork.
In the afternoon I went shopping for birthdays for Nora, Flynn and Emily. Then last night Sister hill rang and wanted to go out! I had already eaten. None of the movies were any good so we went to Crown Burger, I just had a shake, and then back to her apt and watched a couple of old black and white movies on TV. She works every second Saturday and doesn't finish till 5 pm.
Music and the Spoken Word today and church. Tonight I have made the bolognaise. Didn't think I would have time tomorrow night. Now I must have to figure out a way to get it to work.
Well that's about it, not really much to tell this week."
On the 16th of February, Mum went to visit the Logan Temple, about 1 3/4 hours from SLC.
SLC is so flat but the mountains around it look beautiful covered in snow.
And then tea at the Beehive Grill.
And on the way home a random wigwam in someone's front yard.
"I will be glad when the merger is over at work and my new team can get on with our work.
All I did last week was attend training meetings for the indexing team.....training them in Historical records. They did not feel prepared to go forward this week so I have another week or two on phones and chats! as have the others who will be in my team too.
The weather has been lovely again, still no rain or snow, it is very dry considering we are nearly to the end of winter. As we drove to Logan yesterday we could notice it. Logan is North nearly two hour drive and is at the very edge of our mission.
It is an old temple! reminded me a bit of Manti....castle like. Down a few blocks there was a beautiful old tabernacle. It is quite a big place, Logan that is. The temple was crowded, sessions every half hour. After the Temple we spent about half an hour driving around trying to find the Loveday residence. Finally found it and delivered Sister Honey's wedding present to them. Met his wife, she was lovely. As I didn't have a phone number they didn't know I was coming.
Had a lovely day, got home about 9.30 after eating and shopping.
FHE Monday we went to the North Visitors Centre, watched a 12 minute video on Gods plan for families. It takes you through about 5 different rooms which represent different rooms in the home. It is lovely.
Tuesday we had our zone luncheon, spaghetti bolognaise etc. I made two large lots of bolognaise. I got all the leftovers which I froze and tomorrow night we are having it for FHE.
Because of meetings and classes I missed T and R on Wednesday, I have missed about three days worth now!
Wednesday night was a missionary appreciation night, the FHDept put them on every so often. Talks and entertainment followed by dinner. All very nice. So they gave us a brochure which I am sending for you to give to your stake presidents. It's about sponsoring a camera team for digitising. Good way to contribute for people who can't serve a mission.
This week was Roots Tech convention. 21,000 people enrolled. We got to go for one day free so I chose Friday. Laura Bush was the keynote speaker and then her daughter interviewed her on stage. Two hours went very fast she was so good. Very entertaining and down to earth. Very family oriented. Familysearch organize it all, they were preparing for months. It is huge. Every hour we had about 12 things to choose from. The Salt palace convention centre is huge. Then a massive exhibitors hall, took us three hours to walk around that. Night time they have entertainment. It is over three days. Saturday Donny Osmond was one of the keynote speakers.
I did a workshop on Australian research, one on Irish! and one on Ancestry DNA."
A common thread through Mum's photos is always food and Sister Coleman was going home so they had a morning tea to celebrate.
These are all the single sisters in Mum's group.
Then there was a farewell dinner for Elder and Sister Moulton. They spent their first year in Guatemala before coming in with Mum's intake last year. It's winter so there's nothing else to do but eat. ;)
In Feb Mum moved to a new floor of the JSMB (the 6th)and this is her new cubicle. More information about what she is doing now is explained in next month's post as she trains for her new role as a member of the CHurch Headquarters Historical Records Escalation Team.
I said to Mum not many photos for Feb but she said it was cold and winter so not as much going out. :)