As we finally come out of winter, Mum is starting to prepare to go into it with her first month of Autumn or should I say Fall. September was still fairly warm so Mum was able to see some wonderful outdoors events.
The Provo Canyon storytelling festival.
Utah seems to be full of lots of cultural events.
Hi Everyone, my battery is going flat and I have misplaced the charger in the move.
Labour day holiday was good. Just did some washing, then went to Mall for some sales. In the afternoon we went to the movies. The 100 foot journey. It was very good. The theatre was good too.
Tuesday had to change my address at the bank and organize rent payment etc.
Wednesday we had our 'Missionary appreciation luncheon, this was for the whole mission. Was on from 11-2.00. The employees organize and serve it. The last one was a zone appreciation lunch, thus was the first whole mission one. It was all set up out the back of the FHL and was well done. After that Cathy and I went to the Temple to do baptisms, confirmations and initiatories.
Thursday I was able to pick up the keys to my new apartment. It is certainly different. 3 rd floor so better outlook. Warmer than the basement but will be warmer in winter too.
Friday I organized the internet. $53 a month unlimited. Over winter I can watch net flicks etc. last Wednesday sister Hadfield called in to JSMB but I was on my half day.
Yesterday I moved all my stuff out of the storage shed and unpacked. Took me all morning.
Life has settled into routine now. Last night we had stake conference. There are 7000 members in our stake so last night we had meetings in separate buildings. Today we are all together in the conference centre. We have a General Authority speaking.
My routine for Simone....
Monday morning is always mission devotional, held in the JSMB and still lots of people have to stand up. It starts at 7.30 but we leave at 7.00 to get a seat.
On other days our zone devotional starts at 7.45. I usually get to work at 7.30 and we finish each day at 4 pm. We have an hour for lunch. My lunch hour varies as depends on the phone/chats schedule. I generally do 2 hours a day on P/C but depends on the volume of calls and if people are on or not....we have many missionaries out in the field on the schedule too.
The rest of the day I answer emails.
I have a branch assignment where when the new missionaries come in they send me a half page bio and I put that along with their photo into a newsletter for the rest of the Branch.
My zone assignment is each month checking apartments of the people moving out. Talk to them about cleaning, what they can and can't take etc.
Well better go, I am down to 6% and need to get ready. Have a good week.
Love Mum/Nan
Here are some of the pamphlets Mum has up on her floor. I like that quote. We all love finding out stories about our ancestors. I especially love the convict stories in my history. Thank goodness someone did something wrong and was transported out on a convict ship, otherwise I might be living in England! ;)
And some of the other family history workers in Mum's aisle.
During September, Mum was invited to an appreciation dinner where all of the employees (paid personnel - supervisors, bosses etc) put a dinner on for the missionary volunteers. What a lovely idea. Wouldn't that be nice of the bosses at your work put on an appreciation dinner for you? :)
Here are a few of the centrepieces they put on the tables.
Looks a little Australian :)

Hi Everyone,
I told you about the musical fireside last week?? Monday was Cathy's birthday and we went to the Lion House. I had fish it was very nice. Sister Barwick made a cake and we all had fun. I took the pictures of the JSMB as we walked home, just the first floor. One day I will take more.
Tuesday night was a concert of 140 children ..called Onevoice. They were quarter finalists in Americas gotTalent.
Tuesday I had a call from a Lady whose father had died in the war..he had lost a leg...could I tell her what he died from, or how he died????? Hmmm
Wednesday I spent my T and R moving and cleaning. I am sleeping at Cathy's on a thin mattress on the floor, Not so comfy but I am getting used to it.
Friday night we had tea, sister Snowden and I, with Jen and Sister Turro. Sister Turro is from Italy and is going outbound in two weeks. We went to Johnny Rockets..a 60s hamburger joint. Very nice. After that we went to the last concert in the park for this summer. For the first time it was dark when we walked home. It is cooling off at night now.
Yesterday was the Timpanogos Storytelling festival. It goes for three days and is pretty big. Five tents for storytellers and about four more for music and puppetry etc. each storyteller went for an hour. They were good. We had lunch there and then went to the Orem Mall on the way home. Got home about 8.30 pm. It was in the Provo Canyon.
Today we has fast Sunday cos next week is Stake conference. Sunday is in the conference centre because it is a regional conference.
Jen and Sister Turro were at Music and the S.W. This morning. It was back in the Tabernacle and packed. Some people could not get it, they shut the doors at 9.25. We had to sit right up the back upstairs, but we were only about 6 feet away from the choir.
Sister Coleman, who lives upstairs from Cathy let me join her wifi tonight and it is working well so that's good.
Well I think that is it. Holiday tomorrow for labour day.
September already, the time goes so quickly. We are having an Australian night in October. I ordered Wombat Stew to read and reenact!!! Going to teach them Waltzing Matilda.
In September Mum moved from the basement floor to the 3rd floor so much warmer in winter and more light. Here are some photos of her new apartment.
View at night from her balcony.
Looking down to the courtyard below from her balcony. (Nice backyard!)
They often gather together there at night. Here is Sister Reeve, performing for the crowd on her mouth organ.
Mum took a photo of her standing next to the statue of Joseph Smith in the foyer of the JSMB where she works so we could get an idea of how tall the statue is… or how short Mum is!! ;)
During September, Mum went to visit the Draper temple, about 45 mins away from SLC.
These temples always have such nice views from the carpark. :)
She took a photo of some Primary children doing service there for a Primary activity.
There are many amazing places to eat out in SLC. This one was Italian dining.
An Australian couple, Brother and Sister Denley who have also served in Indonesia and then were sent to Singapore and Cambodia, held a FHE to talk about their experiences.
It included a celebration of Sister Denley's birthday. Food is always SO important right? :)
In September, Mum also attended stake conference. Only 19 Stakes participating and translated into 17 languages. Imagine THAT!!