On Saturday night we went to the Websters for their annual Halloween party. We love going and the kids get SO excited about what they are going to dress up in and how we are going to decorate our boot for trunk or treat. It was a beautiful clear day and everyone was setting up their boots and checking each others out.
Jonty loved hanging out in our boot getting ready for the kids who would be coming around collecting treats. He did have a ghost costume on but kept taking it off.
When the Woody's were in the America for a year, they sent us over heaps of halloween treats, including these cool bags that the kids use each year to fill with lollies and chocolate.
Sarra went as a nerd and these photos with the horse cracked me up. It was so cool to walk around and see what everybody else was wearing.
The Robins did an amazing job as the Mad Hatters Tea Party and their boot was all decked out with cups of "tea" and biscuits. It was so cool.
Flynn was supposed to be baby Clark Kent but he kept taking his glasses off and so he was just baby superman.
Mark had organised face painting for the whole 4 hours of the party and it was A.Mazing.
Awwh Jayme and Jenadene as a cute matching couple.
Jonty as usual didn't want anything done.
Oliver's looked pretty awesome too. The right was the pirate make-up we had put on but the transformation from the face painter was freaky.
Flynn had spewed just as the party started, all through the car. I knew he was a little off as before I left for a baby shower I was going to, he was pasty and then very sleepy. Simon rang me from the party saying that he just kept throwing up and it was all through the car. When I got there, he was very pale.
This photo was taken just before he threw up again - all over me and even in the pocket of my puffer jacket!! Thanks Louise for lending me some of Saxon's clothes - we certainly needed them.
The hay ride was its usual hit.
Sarra invited her best friend Jess (on the right) and her Mum Justine said the hayride was a bit hairy as the tractor went down some hills. I bet all the kids loved it though!!
And these two cracked me up coming as Nan and Pop Triffitt.
The Websters did an amazing job once again and we are so grateful for all they put into a great party that we can attend time and time again.

On Sunday Flynn was still sick but we bundled him up and went to the Wheelers for Rohan's 13th birthday family dinner. With Jayme's girlfriend Jenadene and Emily's boyfriend Michael and Chris' sister Helen over from the mainland and Noel and Margaret and Mum and all of us we had quite a large gathering of 18 people.

It was great that the weather was nice and we could all eat outside.
It was also so lovely to catch up with Helen who I hadn't seen for a few years.
I reminded her that when I was Sarra'a age, she was my YWs Beehive leader and we had a laugh at how old that must make us now.
Thanks for people's comments on Instagram telling Flynny to get better soon. He stayed on the couch mainly for two days and was able to keep his meds down and is doing much better now. Just a pity he missed all those Halloween treats. There is always next year to make up for it. :)