I look out the window as I did last year. The window has changed, I have changed. Life has gone on as it can't help but do, but for my beautiful friend, the grief is still as strong as ever, even more so now than then.
The pain in her eyes is always there, the grief which none of us can truly comprehend, her unwelcome constant companion, every minute of every day. But alongside that is something else, something that truly makes Lisa the amazing brave person that she is and I suspect always has been.
Lisa is following in the footsteps of her Aaron and making each day count. She is not allowing a day to go by where not despite, but inspite of their heartbreak, she shows her boys love and hope and faith and grace and courage in the face of this unimaginable story which is now their life.
This recent photo Lisa took while away in Swansea is a testament to what I just said. Look at those four beautiful smiles. They each are going through so much but together, their love for each other and for Aaron and Noah transcends everything.
My favourite picture is still this one. It says so much about who this family is, what they mean to each other......without having to say anything at all!

Australia Day will never be the same again. As the majority celebrates with snags and shrimps and lamingtons and lots of beer no doubt (very Australian), those who had the privilege of knowing Aaron will never know an Australia Day without smiling and crying and remembering one of the most amazing men they have ever met and wishing until it hurts so much.....and then some......that I could change things and make Australia Day 2012 never ever happen, for Lisa and her boys and the rest of her family that were there that day.
Lisa took this photo Australia Day 2010 with Aaron and Harri.

It look so much like this photo that Lisa took the day before Australia Day 2012 with Kobe(one of the last photos Lisa took of Aaron).
This is a photo of Jay fishing the day after Australia Day 2011.

I would like to think that the Australia Day 2013 photo is one of Aaron fishing again but this time he has his arms wrapped around Noah who is sitting in front of him and Aaron is now teaching Noah to fish. But you know what - I think Noah already knows and together they are catching a different kind of fish.