At the beginning of June, I went to Melbourne...........
My younger sister Collette and Mum and I stayed at my youngest sister's house, Jessica, in Geelong so we could meet our newest nephew Sebastian Charles Andrews, who was born on May 14.

My older sister Lisa and the fam stayed at my cousin Tracey's house in Melbourne.
We did a bit of eating.... super size me!!

And a bit of shopping...

The family goes out all out in the school holidays as 2 of my sister's and my Mum and one of my bro-in-law's are teachers so they LOVE LOVE the break.
Couldn't get by without a nanna nap...

But the most important reason for going to Melbourne was going HERE - the temple. We came to witness a very special occasion for my sister Collette.

It was a very tender time for me as it had only been 10 days since I lost Charlotte and so it was very hard but at the same time, it was EXACTLY where I needed to be, to feel both HIS arms and Charlotte's around me.
Jess, Esther, Collette and Mum

It was lovely that some of Collette's good friends could also come and be part of the privilege.
Collette's friend, Esther with Stella (she is going to marry Jonty) and Collette
Collette with her friend Fiona

So if you have the opportunity to go to the temple - GO. It is a wonderful privilege and no other blessing can compare to being a family FOREVER!!
My sisters - Jess (with Bastian) Collette, Mum, me and Lisa with her hubby Chris

And that very place is where I will be this week, learning and pondering, asking and feeling!!