On Saturday evening our ward held their 3rd annual Youth Awards dinner. Makayla has done some great blogging on it and seeing as I was in the kitchen for the night, I have no photos to show so go here and here for a read of our 'most excellent' night.
From a kitchen slave I mean kitchen hand point of view this is what happened........
Chefs - Kit Porter, me, Stephannie Triffitt, Vicki Ziesel, Marie Ziesel and Phyllis Moores
Dishwashers - Rene Ziesel and Mark Webster
Waiters - Elders Quorum
Thankyou to all the sisters who made a cheesecake or cake for the dessert.
Cauliflower or Pumpkin soup
Marinated chicken drumsticks with stuffed creamy potatoes and sweet pine nut tossed salad
cheesecake or mud cake drizzled with raspberry sauce and whipped cream
Last year I made the pumpkin soup and had bought some really big 17 and 15 litre pots. We only had 60 people though so it was not too daunting. This year took a little longer with 96 people, but while I was out at the chapel helping put the potatoes together on the Thursday, Simon cut up all the pumpkin, potato and carrots for the soup. What a legend!
On Thursday morning we got together and put the potatoes together. Before coming to the chapel, we each boiled at home about 20 potatoes each. At the chapel we scraped out the insides of the 100 potatoes, mashed them and added the ingredients and then placed them back in their jackets. This was one of Vicki's recipes so I knew it was going to be delish. So with them all we had to do on Sat was pop them in the oven to cook (Vicki bought her own as the chapel one is hopeless) and pop them under the BBQ to keep warm.
Vicki and Marie got to the chapel first at 3.30 and started on the salad. I arrived at 4.15 and Kit at 4.30pm with updates of Ashlee in labour. Stephannie and Phyllis then arrived and our crew was ready to do 96 entrees, 96 mains and 96 desserts. Our dishwashers Mark and Rene started at 6pm and did not stop washing up for 3.5hrs. I was so impressed!
Bishop thanking some of the kitchen crew - Rene, Kit, Marie, Vicki, Phyllis and mwah. I think Steph was off changing Lachie's nappy. I was wearing the apron Jackie Webster gave me for my birthday 2yrs ago. She even embroidered my name on it.

It was actually a really fun evening, partly because we were super organised and relaxed, having alot of laughs along the way.
A big thankyou too to Simon who took care of the kiddos all day and made sure Jonty was happy even though he hadn't had a milk feed since 7am and got the soup heated and to the chapel JUST in time for entrees.
Congratulations to our youth. It is great to see them officially recognised for all the hard work they do and the efforts they put into achieving their goals that will hold them in good stead for years to come. They really are a wonderful group of young people and although I am roughly 20 something years older, THEY are the example to me.