This week has seen Simon away on more Search and Rescue training so I have filled my days with catching up with people and getting things done that have been on my procrastination list. The kids have missed Simon as he is the fun one that does wrestles, horsey rides and jumps on the trampoline with them. I am the boring one, that is always ruining the fun with 'tea-time', 'bath-time', 'clean your teeth time', 'pack up toys time', 'bedtime'.
On Wed night, Hallie was saying her prayers and saying that she missed Daddy and then the quiver started and a few tears ran in crooked little waves out the corner of her eye. Thursday was her rest day home from Prep so she made up for missing Daddy by spending time with me. Hallie said at school she thinks about me and I asked her what she thought about, wondering what an earth a 5yr old thinks about when they think of their mother at school, and she said 'cuddles'.
This week Mel and I caught up with Sarah Young and her gorgeous little boy, Isaac James. He is now 7wks old and weighs 8 pound 3. My goodness I said, Jonty weighed nearly a whole pound more at his birth, let alone 7wks on.

Tyren has just turned one and started walking. He is such a cheeky little man.

On Tuesday night my friend Jasmin Reid came out to stay until Thursday. The girls were very excited to show her our baby chicks that have recently hatched.

It was lovely having Jasmin stay as I got to go to school without getting Jonty in and out of the car, especially if he was asleep at 3pm. Such a crime to have to wake them just to put them in the car for the 5min it takes to get the girls from school. When I got home on Wed after school, Jasmin had brought in the washing and folded it. Maybe she can come more often. :)
On Wed night we had Rikki and David Wilson come for tea. He had a ball with the kids on the trampoline. They played outside until it was dark. Rikki and Jasmin are friends so it was nice for them to catch up.

On Thur morning, we went for a walk with Katherine around Westbury. It was a real pram brigade with Katherine walking with Gabriel and Niamh in the pram, Jasmin walking Jonty and Oliver and Hallie on bikes.

Notice here, Oliver is riding Hallie's old pink bike with no training wheels. Must be a product of beign the 3rd child - 1. pink hand me down bike (all the Mums at school laugh as he rides into the school) and 2. he decided to teach himself to ride without wheels as it would take 'i'll be there in a minute' Mummy forever to get round to helping so 'problem solved - teach myself' with encouragement from sisters.

Notice how very dry Westbury is............ lovely views though!