So yesterday we woke up at Kay and Dion's house to celebrate Christmas with them and the
Rowlings and Oma and Pop. We left home on Christmas Day night about 6.30pm along with Collette as she used to live with Kay and Dion for a yr when she was teaching at Cooee and it was a great opportunity to catch up with them before starting a new teaching position at
Oatlands next year.

Sarra thought it ws such a treat to wake up on her birthday at their house and she spent all morning playing Bratz dolls with Piper.

Kay and I had been discussing how Jonty would sleep being it was his first 'sleepover' away from home and I was expecting to be up every few hours but I fed him at 9.30pm and he did not wake until 5.50am. I could not believe it and it hasn't happened since but it was THE best Christmas pressie from him.

Kay made Sarra an amazing castle cake for her birthday. I told Kay I had to take a photo to blog it and she said, 'just say you made it'. I laughed and told her that people knew me better than that and would no way believe I made such an awesome cake. I reminded her of the day I blogged one of the kids' birthdays with the cake still left in the tin while they blew out the candles.

Kay was very organised and had bought bubble blowers for the kids to amuse themselves with.

We had 15 kids there but I have noticed over the past few years it is not as noisy as the majority are now older or are teenagers and there are only a few young ones and they tend to play quietly or watch the older ones play the wii or playstation.(or try to play it themselves - here Josh is trying to get Oliver to move his arms in a running race on the wii)

Look at this little cutie. Savannah is such a character and loved having everyone in the house to play with.

At about 9.30, Simon, Collette me and Jonty headed off to the Boxing Day sales. We bagged Burnie out the whole way, joking about the peak hour traffic and overcrowded shops. There was like noone around and we did the rounds of Target and Harris Scarfe real quick. I did pick up some sheets and towels at Target and it was actually really good to be in Burnie because the sale prices were the same as everywhere else but with only a quarter of the amount of shoppers to fight with.
Around midday the Rowlings and Oma and Pop arrived for another HUGE yummy Christmas meal. After lunch we did the pressie thing. We rotate buying for one family each year.

We had Penny and Chris and had already sent their pressies over to Georgia when Oma went in Sept. We got to talk to Penny on Skype which was nice but it will be even better next year when they are here for Christmas. It would be nice if Jason was home too so we could all be together. Penny and Chris had our family and the kids loved their gifts.

Pop and Jonty were content to keep an eye on the cricket scores and see the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race.

At one stage in the afternoon we noticed all the girls in front of one tv and all the boys in front of the other. Aah generation Z and their love of electronics is alive and kicking in our family.

We sang
Happy Birthday to Sarra who felt very special with so many people singing to her. (all up we had 23) and then we left around 2.30 to get back to our house for a birthday tea with the Wheelers and Gibsons.

Collette and Jess had to take off to Hbt because their plane to the YSA convention in Adelaide was leaving at 6am this morning. I had to feed Jonty at about 4am so I texted them knowing they would be up and getting ready to leave for the airport. I bet they are having a good time.
So last night we had a barby at our house with again more turkey and ham and sweets but by this time I was all photographied out and too tired to take anymore pics. Sarra definitely had a wonderful 8th birthday to remember!!
10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT SARRA....................
1. Her earnestness in wanting to always do the right thing
2. Her love of singing
3. Her gorgeous blonde hair
4. sharing without questions
5. Her love of learning
6. Her commitment to spiritual matters
7. she is kind and considers the feelings of others
8. the little mother in her coming out as she helps me with Jonty
9. her patience with her siblings
10. the crafty little cards and notes she is always making for us
For eg I found this on under Hallie's pillow today.........
'Dear Hallie,
I love you lots and lost(sic). I love playing with you. Best sisters.
Love Sarra.
Our Christmas card.........
Dear Mummy and Daddy
I love you very much and I always will. I will keep the new car clean.
Love from Sarra