10 years ago
Let's see it was 1998. Aah that's right. I was living in Hobart, aged 24. I had finished my Arts/Law degree the previous year and was doing my Articles. Articles was a year long thing you had do do once you had your law degree, prior to being admitted to the bar. It was kind of like an apprenticeship where you had to work in a law firm for a year to get some practical experience. You got paid but it was pittance. I was lucky enough to have gotten my Articles with the then Mr Justice Underwood, our current Governor of Tasmania, which is annoying cos I can't just pop in and say g'day anymore.
wow no wrinkles
5yrs ago
It was 2003 and I was 29 yrs old and now married to Simon with two lovely daughters, Sarra (2) and Hallie.(born that yr) We had just moved to St Marys from L'ton so Simon could have a stint as a country cop and although it was very isolated, I was still working so that kept me busy enough. I was working from home as a media reporter, getting up at 4am to report on things in the newspaper that had been printed about my work's clients. Some of these clients included Forestry Tasmania, the ALP and Gunns so each time they were mentioned in an article in the newspaper, I would summarise what was reported, send it to my work and they would send it to these companies so they knew what was being said about them in the media. It was a great way to keep up with current affairs and for once in my life I knew who all the federal and local ministers were. (only because I had to)
Life was full-on as Hallie had been to the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne for an operation when she was six wks old. Over the next yr we would return to Melb for check-ups on her.I would work from 4-9am in the morning, catch a plane to Melb for her check-up and fly home all in the one day and then go back to work 4am the next day. Crazy! She was having blood tests 2-3 days a wk that I drove in from St Marys for and waiting in children's ward at the LGH until someone competent enough to take blood from such a little person, was available and then drive home again. Sometimes I would have to wait up to 4hrs. I'm glad she's big enough now to go to pathology like the rest of us as it is done in 5mins and she only has them every 10wks now. So obviously that was the year of the yawning.

5mths ago
Let's see 5mths ago, February, I was just pregnant and probably didn't even know it. Hallie had started kinder so 2 days a wk was just Oliver and me and I was loving it. I had seen my friend Mel give birth to Tyren and that was awesome. Being summer, I may even had had a hint of a tan but I doubt it. Was loving the little bit of freedom I had with no kids in nappies anymore and long summer nights to have barbecues for tea.
5 things on my 'to do' list tomorrow
1. visiting teaching
2. buy Simon's birthday present
3. go to a Relief Society meeting
4. wash the floors
5. check everyone's blogs
5 bad habits
1. leaving my electric blanket on all night
2. eating chocolate
3. stressing if I miss too many gym sessions (yes even while I am fat and pregnant)
4. spending too long in the shower
5. trying to fit too much into one day and then snapping at the kids at the end of the day, after dragging them around everywhere
5 places I have lived
1. Hobart
2. Westbury
3. St Marys
4. Launceston
5. somewhere in the future
5 things people may not know about me
1. I have always wanted to be a surgical nurse as blood and needles don't worry me as long as it is in a controlled environment and the human body amazes me
2. I am a good speller
3. I eat vegemite on raisin toast and also with fruit buns at Easter time
4. I would love to go back to work as a criminal prosecutor because I love the emotive side of criminal law and not the boring dry side that the law usually entails
5. I love war history