Sometimes when life is full-on it's nice to get away to the beach and let nature take over and replenish mind and soul. NAH!
It was just a good excuse to get out of cooking for a few days and do fun stuff like beat Collette at tennis... not
and lap up the hot Bridport sunshine.... it was freezing
and sample the district's culinary treats.... fish and chips at the local shop.
I must admit the peace and quiet with no phones ringing and no 'to do' lists to complete (I love lists too Toni) was very welcoming.
So on Monday after checking our blogs at Mum's house and cracking up at the hilarious comments posted on
Scott's blog and the way the people who comment on his blog have a conversation between themselves, we headed off to Bridport with the whingey, I mean angelic kids. Finally about 7kms out of Bridport, I made Sarra switch places with Hallie so Oliver and Sarra would stop annoying each other. There is only so much a mother can take inside a car. This of course meant that Sarra carried on for the next 2 hrs and we were thinking, what a great start to our little trip. Don't you just love tired kids!
The first afternoon was not all that warm so the kids entertained themselves by doing gymnastics on Collette's loungeroom floor.

For tea we went to the fish and chip shop and as you can see Oliver's favourite part was the ice-cream at the end.

The next day we went to the beach. It was absolutely horrible weather but we had promised the kids and they would have nagged at us all day until we had taken them. We also played tennis after being inspired by the Australian Open but I did not take any photos because why bother when Collette beat me 6-0.

That night we watched Collette play basketball in Scottsdale. That was momentous in itself, checking out the country league. This guy chatted away to me like I was a local and knew everybody that he talked about. Being the polite person I am I did not let on that I had no idea who he was talking about and pretended I was a born and bred Scottie local lass. He even went into great detail about how he got a broken arm after being beaten up with a baseball bat and then went into this tirade about how the cops did nothing. I felt like saying, "I've heard all this before mate" but of course I did not let on that I knew more about cops than he did.
When we got home from basketball there was this most magnificent full moon. Honestly it was the biggest and clearest I had ever seen and the way it shimmered on the water was magical. I took some photos but they so don't do it justice. Where's Lisa and her SLR when you need it. I know it would have come out so much better with her camera. We stood out on the deck for ages looking at it.

Then we watched the tennis and talked until 2am in the morning. Yes, I had put the kids to bed. It is so much more fun watching tennis with Collette. She loves a game of tennis and cracks jokes about the players which cracks me up. She gets right into it and bags out the commentators along the way. Does anyone else find Jim Courier like the most annoying person out? He is so obnoxious.
Today we tidied up and got ready to come home. Now you know when it is the summer holidays because Mum lashes out and buys all the trashy New Idea and Women's Weekly mags for the month so Collette and I read the stash she had (while eating chocolate of course) It took us all the 3 days to get through them and the time wasting past-time rubbed off on Sarra. All in all a good 3 days of time out. Just what the doctor ordered.

And I will win that game of tennis Collette!!