As well as fitting in the school excursion and Katie's birthday party, we had time to go the doctor in Deloraine, the x-ray place in Launceston and then to the LGH emergency department to fit a cast on Hallie's arm.
You know how I was saying after her fall on Wednesday I would take her to the doctor to get it checked, well I did today and it was broken. I felt like such a bad mother. It had happened on Wednesday and I was like, "she'll be right, give it a day and she'll be using it again". Little did I know she had actually broken it. I had noticed she was not using it at all - a bit like Woody off Toy Story 2.
The hospital said it was a nice clean break just under the elbow and there was no displacement so no need to manipulate it back into position or anything like that. I started taking photos in the waiting room - you know the blog needs action shots but people were giving me funny looks so I stopped.
The doctor (who was quite cute - am I allowed to say that?) put some gauze on it then a half plaster cast and then a bandage. It starts just above the elbow and then works down to the fingers. She is not allowed to get it wet so tonight in the bath at Tammy's she sat there with it up in the air until Tammy thought of the bright idea of resting it on a towel on the edge of the bath.
In about ten days I have to take her back to the orthopaedic clinic and they will take the cast off and re x-ray it to see how it is healing and then reapply either a halfcast or full cast. Tell you what Hallie has a high pain threshold. Takes it all in her stride.
When Simon rang from Hobart, he couldn't believe we were at the hospital. He is now at Mt Field ready for two nights out in the open snow with just a sleeping bag and food of course. I wonder how he will go.
The miracle of the day was that I only had to wait in emergency for 15 minutes. My record is 4 hours. Hopefully I will never break that record.